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Art and crafts - Featured


How to Settle for the Best Affordable Sports Car

For many years, you have admired classy sports cars and even made a list of cars you would go for given the chance and...

Best Ways to Spend Time Outdoors

Are you thinking of how to spend your free time outdoors? With the busy daily schedules, one longs for the weekends or at least...

2020 Trendy Jewelry For Your Body Adornment

The year 2020 has experienced significant innovation in the fashion world, and the jewelry industry has not been left out. Owning a piece of...

How to Effectively Match Your Fashion Accessories

Your desire to have a good taste for fashion is not enough. You need to know how to perfectly choose the fashion accessories to...

Censorship: Freedom with Limitations

Art in its true form should be the deepest way of expression. It should be left to evoke feelings in its audience, calling for...

Code Vein Wants Your Blood In Exchange For a Copy Of...

How far would you be able to get by getting a copy of the free Code Vein game? If we talk about Code Vein,...

Canon Announces C500 Mark II Camera To Be Available in December...

Building on EOS C500, Cannon has declared the next-gen Cinema EOS camera, the EOS C500 Mark II camera. Until now, full-frame cameras were manufactured...

Entertainment Industry on E-Commerce

Entertainment is on another level lately, thanks to e-commerce. But first, let's go down memory lane. In our grandparents' times, radio and TV were the...