Change your Workflow with Art

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The internet is a beautiful thing. It can answer essentially any question for us, clear up any doubt, give us breaking news or even just a good laugh. Another great thing, for some, is that it can maximize productivity, giving you the opportunity to take your work home with you or to call your home your office. Either way, a comfortable and creative atmosphere is necessary in creating the proper energy needed to get the job done.

Ever notice how some spaces just seem to get the wheels of the mind turning, where you come up with your best ideas. While a small portion of that may be thanks to coffee, the other has to do with the setup, possibly using colors, music, lighting and art to develop a zone that drives the visionary within. Coffee shops and coworking spaces seem to have this theme all figured out but, we have some steps on how you can begin to energize your zone at home making you a more productive individual and unlocking all those hidden potentials hidden deep in the tiny corners of your brain.

We have a few steps to follow when beginning the formation of your new office space and some suggestions to keep in mind while out searching for pieces that inspire you. 

Step one: Brainstorming

The first step is to take a second and get to know yourself on a deeper level. What drives you? What colors and sounds awaken your senses? Do you like background noise or do you prefer a super quiet and distraction free zone. Answering and brainstorming over these questions can set you off in the right direction to creating your one of a kind space. A suggestion would be to maybe take your work to several different atmospheres, get out there and discover the city while taking your senses for a test drive. Try coffee shops, parks, coworking spaces, get creative and try restaurants offering Wi-Fi.

While enjoying a beverage or a snack (another perk!), take time to observe your surroundings, take notes on the things that you like and dislike. What parts of this space would you think would serve you best in the creation of your at home work zone? Also, pay close attention to your energy, are your creative juices flowing or do you feel so-so or possibly blocked? Once you have given a few hip places a try, its time to start putting that creativity into action, attempting to bring all of those inspirations together, uniting them for a power packed creative zone in your home.

Step two: Zoning

Now that you have a pretty good idea about the types of things that feed your brain, its time to start planning how you’re going to create this masterpiece starting with the space. Working inside the home can be tricky, with the bed calling your name and Netflix just a click away, so be sure to keep that in mind and stay far away from these oh so easy pastimes. If you don’t have the luxury of an extra bedroom, start thinking outside the box.

Could you cut a room in half and change one into your new thinking space or perhaps think about basements, garages, and attics as an option to flip for a less typical space. Once you have thought about where you will be working think about how you’re going to incorporate your inspirations into this space.

Keep in mind that there needs to be a clear separation between this area and any ‘break’ areas around the house, it is key to keep this space strictly for office use. Think about it like this, in a coffee shop would you lay down? The same rules should apply in your work space. Now that you know more or less where your space will be, its time to start putting all of your ideas into action, putting all of your investigative research into play.

Step Three: Plan your Art Aura

It’s time to bring your brainstorming to life, think about the pieces of art that inspire you the most, and the décor. What colors did you notice made your thoughts flow the most? Search for your perfect pallet before taking off on a hunting spree for all of your new creative mojo. For this you don’t have to spend an arm and a leg, remember you are a creator.

Think of ways to throw in some DIY projects into your space, making it both fun and rewarding in the end. Color is powerful and if your creating your space on a tight budget, maybe paining a pop of color onto one of the walls will do the trick Think about lighting and sound. If you wanted the area quieter, go for thicker canvases and think curtains for windows as they absorb any sounds acting as an easy way to soundproof your zone. For more open and background prone creations use thin materials and let the music from the birds chirping outdoors fill your space. You want to be comfortable so think about the best way to maximize your work. Do you type or surf the web? Invest more money in a good chair, do you read or analyze documents?

Get a fluffy cushion to do away with the conventional desk setup. The best thing about this project is the ability to customize all parts of it to make it your very own. You are in control and you’re every desire can be met with just a little creativity and a small investment of your time. If it helps, also set a strict budget before taking off just to be sure you are not spending so much money on your space, as this is very easy to do.

Step Four: Energize your Workflow

You created the perfect space; you found a piece of art that speaks to you. The colors of your wall are bright orange getting those small wheels inside of your head spinning every time you catch a glimpse of it from the corner of your eye.

Now it’s time to take it for a trial run. Grab your laptop, your book, your reports and take it to your new space. Notice how you feel, is there any thing that is distracting you or holding you back from your max productivity? If there happens to be, try and find the source and think of ways that you can solve this problem. What if you can hear water from the sink drip or maybe the neighbors dog likes to hang out on that side of the house.

Either way, you have the power to pinpoint any potential problems and solve them. This is one of the best things about your personal workspace, allowing you to change anything as your comfort is priority.

Alternative Methods

For those of you that read through these steps and are still lost as far as how to create your space it’s ok. You have come to the right place. The thing about inspiration is that it takes experience to be able to understand.

We as humans are constantly evolving and progressing throughout our own lives finding new things that inspire us along the way. This is why exposure to art is important, as it awakens sensations that perhaps no other things can. If you’re finding it hard to pinpoint what gets you going take a walk, visit a museum, search the web, anything. Keep in mind that your workspace does not have to follow any rules or trends of others out there, not even the most creative and innovative spaces you’ve visited.

You know what gets you going and whatever it is, construct your space based on that. Even if it is only one piece, a painting, a photo, a poster, use that to drive your ideas and create some kind of space based off of that one piece. 

Art and Work?

Some of you might be wondering, so what’s art got to do with my work? Well, let’s take a walk down memory lane. Have you ever been to a museum, an exhibit, or maybe just walking down the street and seen a piece that spoke to you? Maybe you didn’t pay it much mind at the time but the next day and even thinking about it today you can remember the sensations and the thoughts that it awakened as you were in its presence. Art is meant to evoke feelings, to express emotions, it is creativity at its finest.

And while not every piece will bring the same energy or the same ideas to everyone, once you find the one that speaks to you use it as a reminder to drive you toward the very goal it inspired you to reach. So many companies invest money into their office spaces, trying to not only construct a place that is the best use of their space but an atmosphere free of stress and full of life. Some offices hit the nail on the head while others just don’t quite get it. Taking this time to invest in pieces that speak to you to construct a space will lead to more stress-free days as you surround yourself with positive vibes and all things that make maximize your efforts.

Expert Tips

We have a few tips from the experts that seem to speak to everyone in case you just can’t quite narrow down your inspirations. First of all, don’t go and buy things on a whim. Maybe start off slow and go piece by piece making sure that the energy is created that you expected.

Most expert interior designers suggest selecting a color first. In their opinion, colors have more of a way to unlock the senses and create a unique atmosphere that clearly separates your living space and your working space, plus its more cost effective. Another tip, which most of you are probably already doing anyway, is to take inspirations from other designers. Pick up the newest interior design magazine or do a quick web search and browse expertly crafted spaces to get you in the zone.

If it helps, copy and paste these ideas into a word doc and take it with you while you browse around craft shops searching for the best pieces. Changing your home workspace into an efficient and highly creative work zone is fun but, can prove to be a bit challenging, it does require some thinking, planning, and of course some creativity.

That’s a Wrap

Gone are the days of conventional and traditional ways of working. These days thanks to advances in technology and the global advantages of the internet, we can truly work from anywhere or can work more often from home having the ability to bring it along with us for a change of scenery from the office.

This is a beautiful thing for most people, allowing them more freedom in their day and more opportunity to organize and plan their lives more efficiently around their work. While these advances are amazing in most aspects and working from home is most peoples dream, it requires more effort than one might imagine in the beginning.

Our homes are where we feel the most comfortable and free which is not always what your want from a creative and energetic workspace. This makes the vibes and the energy created in your home workspace crucial, requiring some planning on your part. This is where art and design come in, helping to shape and construct the best space for you and your creative brain.

A well thought out and high energy space is key but finding the things that drive these sensations can be difficult. Inspirations are out there it just takes you getting out and discovering which of them speak to you. As you search for the things that drive your creativity, have fun, be aware and take notice to all of the wonderful sensations that arise from one simple and central idea, art. Happy creating, and best of luck with your designing.