Corona Attack! A Big Blow to Soccer Training?


With correspondence to the recent news, it seems that the internet and the newspapers are burning with the latest pandemic brought in by the coronavirus. This current breakout has turned to be a massive blowout for several industries. The outbreak of the novel coronavirus or novel CoVid-19 has not only spread diseases far and wide but also created panic and mass mania globally. Several rumors are also getting circulated, which is even worsening the circumstances.

Here in this article, we will disclose how the coronavirus is adversely affecting the entire soccer industry, even its training.

Know More…

The coronavirus or COVID-19 is a zoonotic strain of the virus that is transmitted from animals to humans. It can further be spread from an infected person to another. It is a specific kind of infection belonging to the coronavirus family. It was first detected in Wuhan, China. Wuhan was under quarantine since January 24th.  Since then, the results are devastating. Scientists and health officials from all over the world are now trying to fight the virus. We now sit in isolation and hope for a better tomorrow.

It can cause severe respiratory diseases to ailments as deadly as Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS CoV). Symptoms include respiratory problems, coughing, sneezing, prolonged fever, etc.

An affected patient of the virus is known to have pneumonia and several other diseases.

The global pandemic has taken a toll on several patients and as well on the revenue. The streets lie deserted, and the businesses shuttered down. The sports industry has also taken a massive hit due to the pandemic. The ghosted stadiums are proof of the heartbreak of the millions of fans worldwide.  This pandemic has left the world on a standstill. Many are heartbroken about the abrupt cancellation of the seasons, which they were so eager to attend or watch.

The death count keeps on rising each day. And many still lie undetected.

How is this relevant?

The recent outbreak has discouraged several athletes from participating in various events. Many events and leagues are also being canceled due to this pandemic situation.

How does this affect soccer training?

It seems like it does affect training! As the virus is extremely contagious, many players are backing off from continuing their practice sessions.

When you are in team training, you are exposed to multitudes every day. This also exposes you to higher risk. You are in close proximity to several potential victims of the virus. And if you’re an amateur sitting duck at your abode waiting for this epidemic to be over then, this greatly harms your improvement.

Team training is also subjected to unhygienic ways of exercise, causing different diseases, if not coronavirus. Team training also means that you have to share your bathing space with someone else, which is a great discouragement to many soccer players. On the other hand, private soccer training is a lot more hygienic as you do not need to share your personal space with anyone else.

How does private soccer training help?

Prevention is better than cure! Yes indeed! Why wait and lose opportunities while you can simply be on a safer side and still keep on pursuing your passion? This is where private soccer coaching at helps.

Be Safe

Due to the recent pandemic that has claimed the lives of multifarious individuals, we first and foremost reach out to you with a request. BE SAFE! If you are an athlete or an individual passionate about soccer, make sure you and your loved ones are safe and sound.

Follow these precautions to keep yourself from the recent outbreak of coronavirus:

  • Self- Quarantine – Isolate yourself and stay indoors. Avoid public gatherings.
  • Social Distancing — Maintain distance from others of at least six feet and do not go out too often unless it is an emergency.
  • Maintain healthy hygiene – Wash your hands often for at least twenty seconds. Keep yourself clean and wear protective masks every time you go out.
  • Refrain from touching your eyes, hands, and mouth unless it is required.
  • If you feel sick, consult any medical health care service.

Private soccer training and especially private trainers, are incredibly skilled and, most importantly, follow high hygiene standards. With perfect safety gear to healthy training practices, they have got you covered! Also, following the recent outbreaks, some even offer extra safety and helps you continue with your training.

Private soccer training is automatically hygienic because you are not exposed to a multitude of people. It is just you and your trainer.

While training, your trainer makes sure that you get the best and hygienic environment, which might be of great advantage in this time of crisis.

Some trainers will often guide you through buying safer accessories to keep you safe and secure from diseases, and this is probably the best option!

Private soccer coaching lets you continue with your practice and excel in your skills safely and in a secure environment. Unlike team soccer coaching, where you are regularly exposed to other players, other than that, during team practice, you are also in close proximity to the player and the soccer ball. In simpler terms, your private space is compromised.

Due to the recent outbreak, businesses that encompass the soccer industry or any industry, in general, are at a great loss as they have to stop their production, and the sales are experiencing an all-time low.  Several famous soccer and football championships like La Liga were either canceled, postponed, or even canceled.

In recent news, it has also resurfaced that multifarious players, team managers, and team crews were tested positive and are currently under intensive care. It also resurfaced that an infected teen allegedly attended a soccer match, which created mass mania and many potentially affected patients who participated in the game that fateful day.

These incredibly skilled trainers will also guide you on how you can keep yourself clean and safe from the recent outbreak of the virus. The trainers are committed to your development and safety while teaching you every nook and corner of the game.