Under or Over-Exposure, Which Is Suitable For Better Photography?

Screenshot at sept 18 20 36 57
Screenshot at sept 18 20 36 57

Light exposure is one of the trickiest things to consider when it comes to good photography. There are various factors inside the camera, which has an impact on exposure. Most of the times, the camera decides the right exposure, except for when you choose a full manual mode. However, when not in a manual way, the camera can get the exposure right more than 50% of the times but not 100% of the times. This partial accuracy depends on how the camera is choosing adequate lighting or camera meters.

Metering Mode

If the camera chooses right exposure, it does so by adjusting the aperture, ISO, and shutter speed to provide you with 18% pure grey in the scene. This calculation is an excellent way to go about it. However, you should keep in mind that you do not have to worry about this as the camera will do this for you automatically.

A majority of the cameras will permit you to choose the area that it will consider in 3 different ways. These have been enumerated below.

  • Evaluative: This will help the camera to use the whole frame for averaging 18% grey. 
  • Center-Weighted: This will make the camera focus on the center of the photo. It is suitable for model or fashion photography where the subject is placed in the middle of the frame. This setting will not care about the exterior and background details. 
  • Spot Metering. It makes the camera consider the precise middle frame for 18% grey. It is like the previous one but only more specific and smaller. It can be useful for shooting wildlife hiding behind bushes or trees. However, the rest of the frame might be too light or dark and will focus on the creature.

Don’t forget that your camera is a digital tool when you check on how the above settings might affect your shot. For example, if there is a predominance of shadows or bright spots, the metering mode you are opting for can have an impact on the exposure.

Exposure Compensation

To fix the exposure, you need to adjust the exposure compensation of the camera. For this, you can check the manual and memorize it before setting out on your photo adventure.

When you are changing the exposure compensation, it means that you want more or less in your shot. When you dial it to the positive side (+), the photos will appear brighter, while dialling it to the negative (-) will make it appear darker.

Underexposure Problem

It might be a little challenging to know if the photos are rightly exposed. With digital cameras, it has become easier to review pictures and make adjustments. In case the photo is appearing dark, there is no need to change the exposure meter as it is better to lighten up a photo that is dark than darken a light photo. It is a simple rule you need to live by.

Final Words

Exposure of the camera is one of the essential things that you need to learn. With the help of this knowledge, you can improve your photography skills. Use your camera manual to learn about exposure compensation. When you start practicing photography, start with zero and then click some photos under and over-exposed. Check the difference every time you make a little adjustment. Lastly, if you are not sure, better to stick to a picture which little dark instead of being a low light. Take up your camera and try it out.