Why You Should Consider Getting Durable Shaft Pool Cues


To succeed as a pool player, you must possess a durable, rigid, and flexible pool cue. Asides your skills, experience, and understanding of the pool game, one of the essential factors that affect your gaming success and ability to finish ahead of the opponent is the cue stick.

You must have been engaged in a game where you are about to finish ahead of your opponent, all for your pool cue to disappoint you. As you know, the pool game requires some alertness from the players and good stamina to push the ball into the board pocket.

Of course, you will not win any game if you use a wrong pool cue, as it is the only item connecting you as the player to the game. It is no surprise that some people wonder why pool cues are expensive and range from hundreds of dollars above the market’s regular ones. It is no more a new thing to you that the more you paid, the more you benefit and enjoy the service or products you are offered. Purchasing a robust and durable pool cue will give you the advantage to win more games and influence your playing habit and hand you more wins than before.

Consideration of the pool cue price

Viking Pool Cues are designed with effective engineering solutions to fit into today’s pool game demands and function effectively. You will be aware that better cues lead to better matches, giving you an edge while playing your favorite game. Typically, quality is preferable to quantity when it comes to pool cues; this should be your guiding principle whenever you decide to buy the next pool cue. Although you might consider the price of a strong, durable, quality pool cue as expensive, however, in the long run, most players who have settled down for cheaper ones tend to lose more games. Beyond the price point, the player’s experience, skill level, and playing style determine the success of the pool cue game. Yes, expensive and durable pool cues aren’t going to shoot the shots themselves, but they look better, handles better, and give you the flexibility to hit the balls harder without second-guessing the strength of the cue.

Some Factors To Remember While Shopping For Pool Cue

Say it is time to shop for a new pool shaft; there are some factors you have to keep in mind to get the best pool cue for your subsequent games. Although, these factors are not the ultimate, they will guide you to choose the right pool cue, which would serve you effectively and help you win more games. When buying a new pool cue, have the following in mind:

  • The Shaft.
  • The Tip.
  • Butt Design
  • Weight of the pool cue
  • The feel
  • The appearance
  • And the overall balance of the pool cue.

Whether you are a rookie in the pool game or at the intermediate level, or possibly you are a pro at the game, the factors mentioned above will guide you to selecting the best pool cue for your games. As you read on, you will understand some tips and factors that matter more when getting your next durable and strong pool cue.

The Essential Factors You Shouldn’t Skip.

Yes, the pool game isn’t some easy game you can play with less seriousness and absent-mindedness. With a little more concentration and the use of the right pool cue, you can easily ace your game with little effort. Whether you are hoping to get a new pool cue soonest or as soon as possible, you should know some essential factors about the pool cue construction. These construction tips will serve as a guiding principle for you to select the best cue. Majorly the components that made up the pool cue is the ferrule, butt, shaft, tip, balance, and overall weight. Aside from the cue’s function, the appearance and the component material of production also determines the durability and the price of the pool cue. Expensive and durable pool cues aren’t just made up of some random material; they are designed and produced by an expert who has studied the game and know which production material is best used. Durable and strong cue is made from exotic wood, carbon fiber, and other materials that contribute to its rigidity while you are playing the game. The functionality of the pool cues is also affected by the shaft and the tip.

Shaft With Low Deflection

Today, many players are on the opposite side of either using a low deflection shaft or a standard shaft in the pool game world. Whether you have settled for a low deflection shaft or the regular shaft, there are high chances that the cue you are using is made from a hard rock maple wood, which is considered to be the best wood for shaft construction.

The low deflection shaft was invented in recent times, which has generated many different opinions by expert players of the pool game. It has been observed that once you have mastered the art of playing with a standard shaft, it is challenging to switch to using a low deflection cue and vice versa. The majority of players who had in recent times mastered the pool game using the regular shaft before the low deflection shaft was invented had developed their skill around the typical shaft cue.

Many people had to unlearn and relearn how they can play the pool game with a low deflection shaft perfectly. Furthermore, the more the players get used to playing with a low deflection shaft, the more they attest to such shaft’s quality and durability during the game session. Many professional pool players prefer to play with the low deflection shafts, and gradually those shafts are gaining popularity in the pool game industry.

Due to the durability and activeness enjoyed while playing with the low deflection, many players, especially the beginner, have started to invest in the low deflection due to its advantages over the regular shafts.

Indeed, low deflection shafts are found to be used by high-end models, and the reason is based on the better performance offered by the shaft than the regular shaft. It is gradually becoming the most desired shaft among pro players and beginners alike. It is one of the upgrades you might choose to settle for while shopping for a durable and long-lasting pool cue.

More About The Tips And Ferrules Of Durable Pool Cue

The pool game involves hitting the pool balls into the pool cue’s board pocket, which is what you are familiar with. However, to hit the balls properly and achieve a long-range shoot, you need to use a reliable pool cue with a useful tip. Most of the cue tips are made from leather with some degree of hardness to kick the balls in the right directions without derailing from the proposed path. The use of resin in some high-grade pool cues helps achieve maximum force, and a quality tip can affect the overall gameplay.

The ferrules are the portion between the tip and the shaft of the pool cues, and it is quite essential as the tip also. The ferrules are designed to be rugged and stable to any force sent from the player’s shaft. It is crucial for protecting the pool cues wood. Most often, if you purchase a high-graded durable pool cue, the ferrules are made of carbon fiber or high-impact resin to help keep stability. Based on the production material, the pool cue’s price could be pricey, but a cheap thing breeds cheap performance. Durable and expensive pool cue tends to last longer and perform better than the regular pool cue in the market. This is mainly because of the high-quality materials used in the ferrules section of the cue.

More so, the expensive and durable cue is made with high-end leather at the tip region for long-lasting usage. The tip, the ferrules, and the shaft are constructed with the latest pool expert technology to withstand the high energy transfer force from the players to the ball. If you make us pf a poorly constructed shaft, tip, or ferrules pool cue, you can easily witness a cracking of the cue stick of possible warping, which is also quite dangerous to you as a player. The tips you found on the cheap cues can often be easily replaced with a maximum value of about 1 to 2 dollars, whereas quality pool cue stick tip replacement can cost you about $30 to $40 on average.

Indeed, to achieve exciting gameplay and success as a pool player, you need to invest in durable, strong, and flexible cue sticks designed by experts and produced from top-quality carbon fiber materials. This kind of pool cue will put you ahead of your competitors during any pool game be it for professional reasons or for fun.